Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Dinner and a Movie

Steven and I had a fantastic evening last night. It was dinner and a movie with a different twist.

It all happened because the previous week we went to the Tuesday evening IBI meeting for the first time and met Pete and Ryan, two young men who are out to change the world.

Their company is called Yes! Empower and they use NLP, hypnosis and other techniques to help people remove limiting beliefs.

They graciously invited us to join them and several others for dinner at their home, and to watch The Secret. I already had seen The Secret three times but never the Esther Hicks version, which they have.

At that same IBI meeting we also met Connie Jackson, known as the Shrinking Woman, because she has lost about 480 lbs through bariatric surgery.

Connie's life is still all about food, but now she cooks it with love and health for others. She has worked with Pete and Ryan to overcome her feelings of still being an overweight person even after losing the weight.

Connie catered the delicious dinner we had at Pete and Ryan's. And there was a crowd...about 12 people showed up for dinner and The Secret, followed by a great discussion.

We were so glad to get out and meet new people who also are interested in spiritual topics!

We look forward to more of the same type of evenings.

Oh...and we thought the Esther Hicks version of The Secret was much better.

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