Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rite-Aide Kitty

Oh, my goodness...I met the most adorable kitty today at Rite-Aide! He has an amazing story and an unusual life...

Unfortunately, I did not have my camera to take a pic of him.

Steve and I stopped at the Rite-Aide in Old Hickory on our way home from the Eckhart Tolle book discussion at Unity. They had 12 rolls of Scott TP for $6.99...and I had a $1 coupon!

Anyway, as we prepared to enter the store, we saw a fluffy brown mackeral tabby near the front door. He was sound asleep so I did not disturb him.

I forgot the coupon so when I went back out to the car, some young women were petting and playing with him.

So when we came out with our purchase, he was still awake so I went over to pet him. He immediately rolled over to let me rub his tummy...a sign of trust!

The Rite-Aide manager came out to share his story...they found him 20 months ago and started feeding and caring for him. One day last of those wretched days when the temp was 110, a woman came driving up and recognized him as her kitty!

She went home and got her husband and a cat carrier, but the cat fought like a tiger. Seems that at his previous home, he was kept in a basement with another cat.

He fought for his freedom...and won. The woman decided that if he was that happy at Rite-Aide, he could stay.

The Rite-Aide folks bought him a the tune of $120...and put a bed in it...and put a mini Rite-Aide sign over the door.

He was so happy and laid back that he had tons of drool all over his bib!

Next week I'll be sure to bring my camera! This is a great cat story...they are such wonderful teachers.

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